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You can get the best astrologer at which will help you to answer all your questions. You will get Astrological Details of your Natal chart, Astrological Analysis of the Situation, Response to your question, Your ascendant, Your Moon Sign, Lucky measures to benefit you, and the mantra remedy from our astrologer.
Lagna: The first house of a birth chart is called Lagna, which shows your personality and nature. According to the Kundli, your nature, size, type, bodybuilding, height, and personality can be estimated from the Lagna itself.
Graha Pravesh: One should have to know the shubh muhurat for Grah Pravesh from Pandit Ji. Also, worship Lord Ganesh on the shubh muhurat. One should also follow Vastu Shastra, before Graha Pravesh. Only a few special months are auspicious for this. You can get all this information from our expert astrologer through our website
Remedies: Astrology remedies are a means to heal, not prevent every possible loss. It helps to nullify the negative impact of planets or any other element in your life. If there is a planet that is very weak on your Kundi, what remedies can be done is given to you by our astrologer.
You will get Astrological Details of your Natal chart, Astrological Analysis of the Situation, Response to your question, Your ascendant, Your Moon Sign, Lucky measures to benefit you, and the mantra remedy from our astrologer.
You will get your report at your registered email address. On request, we also sent the report on WhatsApp.
No, astrologer information is confidential. But if you want to consult with astrologers, you can log in to and select the astrologer, and then you can consult to the AI astrologer.
A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a map of where all the major planets and astral bodies were located at the time you were born. An astrological birth chart maps the planetary alignment at the exact moment you were born, so no two charts are ever the same.
Astrological Detailed Report consists of 5-6 pages and Ask A Question consists of 4 to 6 pages; which includes your Natal chart, Astrological Analysis of the Situation, Response to your question.
For this, you need to consult with our astrologer to get a detailed report. Fill in your details and get your detailed astrological report directly in your mail.